I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
Understanding the Thought-to-Action Cycle for a Better Life and World
Do you wonder why your actions do not always match your original intention? It all has to do with something I call “The Thought-to-Action Cycle” which is a high-level overview of what goes on in our brain when we want to take action on an intention; a desire; a want…
I AM and closing the gap of who we believe we are
I AM - two simple yet powerful and all-encompassing words. At the core, these two words sum up both what we are and what we believe we are...
How rethinking Competition can help create a better world
We live in a world where competition appears to be a normal part of everyday human life. Individually we can believe we are in competition with others to be superior -- from climbing the corporate ladder to needing a fancy car or the latest smartphone. We can also believe we are…
Do you believe you are imperfect?
We live in a world where society’s view of human perfection is touted as something to strive for and if a person does not meet that perceived bar of...
How to lessen the “I AM” gap with “YOU ARE” Affirmations
One of the key ways we can lessen the gap is to understand how our beliefs and mindsets shape how we perceive ourselves, and from there instilling new...
The Illusion of Dominance
It doesn’t take long to look at what is going on in the world to see that many humans seem to be bent on trying to dominate others. What's up with that?
What’s going on when a situation really ticks you off
Have you had a situation in your life that really, really ticked you off? I mean really ticked you off? Would you be surprised to know that it’s not about the situation itself? It’s actually about…
Navigating The Holiday House of Mirrors
We are entering what for many of us is the busiest social time of year. It can bring out the best and the worst in us. Why is this?...
Lest We Forget
On November 11, 2018 events were held around the world to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the Armistice (the end) of World War I. At the time, World War I was called “the war to end war”; “the war to end all wars” and yet even after so many lives were lost, so many lives were impacted and such damage was incurred because of that war, World War II began a…
Are you looking for someone to complete you?
Are you looking for someone to complete you?
You’re not alone. We are programmed from a young age to believe that we are incomplete and that finding another will fill that void. Classic novels, romantic movies, traditional media, social media, etc are filled with messaging that we are not complete without another. It’s time for a MindShift Moment…
Do you spend time in the moment of now?
When was the last time you stopped to become aware of and take in the present moment of now?
It’s understandable if it has been a while or if you have no memory of doing this as in our modern world there always seems to be another item to check off our to-do list.
So much so, that we can often…
The Illusion of Imperfection
The messages to strive for perfection seem to be everywhere. Whether it’s striving for a perfect body, to be a perfect spouse, to have a perfect life, etc., the message that we are somehow imperfect abounds at every turn. It’s time for a MindShift Moment…
What Are You?
If I asked, “what you are?” what would you say? Would you say you are a wife/husband, a mother/father, an employee/employer? If those labels were removed from you, what would you say you are? Would you say you are…
Getting to the Root of Negative Emotions
Urg…those negative emotions. Sometimes they can seem to pop out of the blue and put a damper on what was an otherwise good day. So what gives with the negativity we can experience and how can we let negative emotions go when they appear?
Who exactly are we judging?
Some days it can appear like there is no shortage of people to judge (including judging ourselves). But when we judge, who exactly are we judging? When we…
Do you believe you are unworthy?
If you do you are certainly not alone, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you or anyone. It’s time for a MindShift Moment.
The belief that you are unworthy is simply another illusion that you and many others have been conditioned to believe is true. No one is more worthy than another. We are…
Happiness is an Inside Job
Often we will look to other people, places, objects, lifeforms, experiences, etc. to bring us happiness. We can believe that by liking/loving these things, that very act will make us happy. We can believe that once another person likes/loves us that we will be happy. But is that true?…
The Illusion Of Importance
Do you feel you are more or less important than another some or all of the time? It’s understandable if you do. Our world systems and our culture are filled with…