I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
Understanding the Thought-to-Action Cycle for a Better Life and World
Do you wonder why your actions do not always match your original intention? It all has to do with something I call “The Thought-to-Action Cycle” which is a high-level overview of what goes on in our brain when we want to take action on an intention; a desire; a want…
Understanding the 2 Functions of the Brain for a Better Life and World
The human brain is amazingly complex, but ultimately it has 2 main functions. Understanding what they are can help create a better life and world. Keep reading to learn more.
Have you depleted your surge capacity?
Surge capacity (to paraphrase) is the adaptive systems we draw on for short-term survival in acutely stressful situations. The problem is Covid-19...
Help your brain do its job during the COVID-19 pandemic - Ask "Is it true?"
I like to live in a world of facts and I don’t care for speculating. It helps me to navigate our complex world and be helpful to others as they navigate the world too. If find this is especially true while we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, when I came across a…
I AM and closing the gap of who we believe we are
I AM - two simple yet powerful and all-encompassing words. At the core, these two words sum up both what we are and what we believe we are...
How to lessen the “I AM” gap with “YOU ARE” Affirmations
One of the key ways we can lessen the gap is to understand how our beliefs and mindsets shape how we perceive ourselves, and from there instilling new...
What grass clippings can teach us about beliefs
I was sitting on our back porch the other day I observed an adult teaching a teenager how to cut the grass in their backyard. As I watched the lesson unfold, it provided a great example of how easily beliefs can be and are passed on from one person to another. While the adult was teaching the…
Getting to the Root of Negative Emotions
Urg…those negative emotions. Sometimes they can seem to pop out of the blue and put a damper on what was an otherwise good day. So what gives with the negativity we can experience and how can we let negative emotions go when they appear?
Do you believe you are unworthy?
If you do you are certainly not alone, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you or anyone. It’s time for a MindShift Moment.
The belief that you are unworthy is simply another illusion that you and many others have been conditioned to believe is true. No one is more worthy than another. We are…
Was It A Drop Or Something Else?
As you go about your day, it seems logical to believe that what you deduce about something you observe or experience is indeed a fact.
But is that true?…
Playing Hide and Seek isn’t just for kids.
What does playing “Hide and Seek” have to do with living an awakened life and creating your life with conscious intention? It begins with…
It’s time to clear out your old file cabinet.
Imagine a filing cabinet that is full of old papers, most of which have been around as long as you have. They are yellowed, out of date, filled with miss information and not needed anymore. As you look at the papers, you think how you would love to put new papers in the cabinet but there isn’t any room and buying another cabinet is not an option. You know that in order to…