I’ve spent a lifetime searching for answers to life, purpose and how to make the world a better place and I share what I’ve learned with others so they can take what I’ve learned to help create a better world for all.
In order to create a better world for all, we need to wake up to the undeniable truth that all world issues (and individual issues) are symptoms of one root cause, and within that revelation understand the role social constructs, culturescape, world systems and our own brain currently play in limiting the human psyche from seeing the root cause for what it is.
To help spread this message and invoke positive change globally, I mentor, guide, and collaborate with the deep thinkers and socially conscious on what I’ve come to know so they can take the knowledge and apply it to creating a world based on equality, respect and sustainability for all.
Before I go any further, I want to let you know my story is a little longer than some and I made it longer for 3 reasons:
I’ve been on the planet for a while.
You likely haven’t heard of me before and my journey may help you understand how I came to understand what I know, do and why.
I have a feeling you will be able to see parallels in your journey.
— The Beginnings…
I was a shy kid who felt very much like an outsider looking in at a world full of contradictions and surface talk.
One of my first “I don’t understand” and “there’s got to be more to it” moments came when I was about 8-9 years old. The teacher was talking about war. I couldn’t understand why war was even a thing; how it was even allowed; how killing people and destroying things would equate to being a “winner”. I finally got up the courage to put up my hand. I must have asked one too many questions to try to make sense of it because the teacher finally said to me, “that’s just the way it is, Lisa”.
My heart and gut told me something wasn’t right; that there was more going on, but my young brain did not know how to articulate the thoughts and emotions whirling in my head, and my respect for elders and my aversion to being in the spotlight kept me quiet.
Looking back, that memory (along with a few others) provided me with the first pieces to a puzzle that would begin to come together later in my life.
In the meantime, I continued on with life.
— Life Came Along…
Like most people, I spent many years living life the way I thought it was supposed to be based on what I had been taught and had observed.
I got caught up (in many ways) in all the things we believe we are supposed to have in life. My life had lots of great ups, but it also had a lot of struggle, pain and loss.
I lived life this way even though I had a feeling deep down inside of me that there was something more to life than simply going through the motions; that there is a purpose for being here, and that all the struggle, lack, control and fear I was seeing and experiencing in my inner world and in the world at large wasn’t how things were supposed to be, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
In the early years I didn’t pay much attention to those thoughts as I was young, and busy building a life.
— More Questions Came…
In the 80’s, I really began to question and search for answers to big life questions – life, purpose, why the world is the way it is, why people are the way they are, why world issues persist.
It was before the days of the internet, so I spent a lot of time in book stores going from section to section, literally surrounded by books as I sat on the floor. I was like a sponge soaking up everything I could find that resonated. Then internet came along opening up more avenues to search for answers.
My interests and searching included philosophy, self-help, religion (eastern and western), new age, dream analysis, epigenetics, how the body is always talking to us, etc.
I meditated a lot. I did automatic writing. I saw visions of different lifetimes. I had experiences of non-physical connection that I can only describe as being one with God (despite not being a religious person).
I found way more people than usual called on me for guidance and would tell me their life story – even complete strangers.
It was a time of deep unearthing, understanding and connection to a knowing; an intelligence outside of ego.
Everything I was learning made perfect sense. I felt like I was relearning something I already knew deep inside and had finally come home.
The puzzle started to take shape and I naively believed I understood what was going on. I believed I had “awakened”.
— More to Learn
You would think with this new understanding my life from that point on would be full of bliss, money, ease and I would have solved all the problems in the world.
Fast forward to early 2009. I’m stressed, miserable and working 70+ hours a week as an I.T. Manager at a mega left-brained old model 300,000 plus employee I.T. corporation. The job I had set my intention to get years earlier that was focused on helping others had turned into a 7x24 cost cutting exercise filled with having to let people go on a continual basis. It broke my heart and was crushing my soul. No matter how much I set my intention for things to get better, they didn’t. Every fibre of my being was screaming at me to get out and I was starting to lose me in the process.
Finally, in 2010 after over 30 years in corporate, I left that toxic hamster wheel with a small nest egg and a passion to help others.
I started a Professional Organizing business which combined two of my favourite things – helping people and organizing stuff. I did all the things you should do to get a business going and growing. I set my intention for it to work. Yet within a year, after spending countless hours and a small mountain of cash, I realized I was pushing what business I had away! It didn’t make any logical sense to do it and yet I was.
I felt like a failure and I also couldn’t rationalize why I would do that given what I understood. It made no sense to me.
It turns out I wasn’t as awakened as I believed I was – yup, insert ego here.
I still remember sitting at my desk in tears. I literally looked up in desperation and said, “I don’t understand. I know I am here to help others. I know I create my reality. I get this stuff, so why isn’t this working?”.
I surrendered and from that moment, more puzzle pieces came.
From quantum physics, to Big-Why’s/Inner-Purpose and how much the social construct, world systems and our brain play in all of this illusion called life and so much more. I unearthed my Big-Why and am slowly letting myself live it.
All of this led me to where I am today.
— Embracing the Path…
Although I know there are more puzzle pieces to discover, I can now see the picture much more clearly.
I have come to understand that separation is an illusion. A very persistent illusion, but an illusion all the same.
That illusion is holding us back individually and as a species.
Unfortunately, we have become so caught up in this illusion that we have created a collective ‘reality’ that not only perpetuates the illusion, but is causing great harm to other humans, other life forms and this beautiful planet we call home. Through our ignorance we have literally put ourselves on an unsustainable trajectory for physical life as we know it.
If we individually and collectively want to have the human experience continue, we must wake up to the illusion.
With that, I am embracing my purpose and path in this lifetime to help others ‘wake-up’ from the illusion so we can finally create a thriving and sustainable world based on equality and respect for all life, and to ultimately take human consciousness to the next level.
Would you like to chat?
When you can begin to see that separation is an illusion, all kinds of questions will inevitably pop into your mind.
That time can become very isolating and frustrating as you realize that others in your circle are not in the same place at all and searching for answers is like going down a rabbit hole.
I get it. I’ve been there and continue to be.
Feel free to schedule time with me to chat over Zoom via the contact form.