I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
What’s going on when a situation really ticks you off
Have you had a situation in your life that really, really ticked you off? I mean really ticked you off? Would you be surprised to know that it’s not about the situation itself? It’s actually about…
Navigating The Holiday House of Mirrors
We are entering what for many of us is the busiest social time of year. It can bring out the best and the worst in us. Why is this?...
Are you looking for someone to complete you?
Are you looking for someone to complete you?
You’re not alone. We are programmed from a young age to believe that we are incomplete and that finding another will fill that void. Classic novels, romantic movies, traditional media, social media, etc are filled with messaging that we are not complete without another. It’s time for a MindShift Moment…
Everything Begins With Intention
Everything we be/have/do in our life begins with our intention for it to be in our life experience. It doesn’t matter if the intention is perceived as a positive or negative, it is an intention all the same. The problem is…
Do you spend time in the moment of now?
When was the last time you stopped to become aware of and take in the present moment of now?
It’s understandable if it has been a while or if you have no memory of doing this as in our modern world there always seems to be another item to check off our to-do list.
So much so, that we can often…
Our brief moment in time
While I was taking in the sites the other day, I came upon an old black and white picture mounted on the side of a building. The image was of a gathering of men and women attending an outdoor event in the early 1900s. It looked like a beautiful sunny day. The men wore suits and hats. The ladies wore long dresses, decorative hats and carried parasols. As I looked at the picture, I…
Are You Focused On The Green Or The Sand Trap?
Have you ever played golf? I played several times many years ago but never really go into it. I would get bored easily and found I was far more interested in being out in nature and driving the golf cart than swinging a club against a little ball. But I did pick up a few things and one was to…
Are You Expecting a Hassle?
When you expect a hassle don’t be surprised if you get a hassle. Why? You have already…
When Someone Pushes Your Buttons
Do you have a person or perhaps more than one person who really gets under your skin and pushes your buttons? I’m not talking about a person who is physically, mentally or emotionally abusive. That’s a topic for another day. I’m talking about that person who rubs you the wrong way. They could be a…
How Many Ways Can You Cross A Room?
Several years ago, I was invited to attend a workshop focused on goals and how to be what you want to be in life. Along with various speakers, there were exercises throughout the workshop for the attendees to participate in if they chose. One of the exercises was to …
Sometimes Now Is The Best Time To Say
Sometimes people come into our lives for a lifetime, a short time and perhaps only for a brief moment, yet no matter the duration some of them can stay in our heart forever. My ex-father-in-law was one of those people. I first met Phil over…
Remember To Breathe
At times, life can get crazy busy, stressful and overwhelming. When this happens, our first reaction to deal with what is happening is often to react impulsively without thinking things through. This happens because…
You Are Always Creating
I was watching a video the other day that talked about how young children are in a constant state of creativity. Whether it’s playing dress up, colouring, playing in the mud, or telling stories, little ones are always creating. The video then went on to say as we grow up we stop creating. Instead, we…
Your Perception, Your Reality
Do you wonder why others don’t see life the same as you? It’s because they can’t. Your perception of life creates your reality, not theirs. Your perception is based on…
All Paths Lead Toward Home
As you go through life, you may wonder if you are on the right path particularly when life appears to happen TO you rather than BY you, or you are going through a rough time in your life. When this happens, remember ultimately all paths lead toward…
Are you letting your past hold you back?
While driving my car the other day, I was listening to the radio and a song came on that inspired me to write this post. It was a song I had not heard before, yet the lyrics had a familiar tone to many other songs playing on the radio and in the stories others have shared with me. The song was about…
Peeling Back The Layers Of “Life Is Hard”
Do you believe “Life is hard”? As you read that statement, did you say “yes” even if a moment later you said “no”’? As you read that statement, did you find yourself saying…