MindShift Moments Blog

I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.

Illusions Lisa Layden Illusions Lisa Layden

Reality isn’t quite as it appears

The other day, I was sitting on the shore observing an early evening sky. As I was taking it all in I began to look for the horizon but it was difficult to see where the water ended and the sky began as both had a similarly beautiful and calming pastel blue colour. As I focused my sight more intently on the horizon, I experienced…

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Illusions Lisa Layden Illusions Lisa Layden

The Illusion of Imperfection

The messages to strive for perfection seem to be everywhere. Whether it’s striving for a perfect body, to be a perfect spouse, to have a perfect life, etc., the message that we are somehow imperfect abounds at every turn. It’s time for a MindShift Moment…

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Illusions Lisa Layden Illusions Lisa Layden

Happiness is an Inside Job

Often we will look to other people, places, objects, lifeforms, experiences, etc. to bring us happiness. We can believe that by liking/loving these things, that very act will make us happy. We can believe that once another person likes/loves us that we will be happy. But is that true?…

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Illusions Lisa Layden Illusions Lisa Layden

The Illusion Of Independence

Do you pride yourself on being independent? I know I tend to. It certainly appears that to be independent in the 21st century is now a societal expectation and those who demonstrate it are often congratulated as if they have reached a milestone in the game of life. Independence is worn like a badge of honour or a trophy. But…

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