What’s going on when a situation really ticks you off

Woman frustrated due to dropped ice cream cone.

Have you had a situation in your life that really, really ticked you off? I mean really ticked you off?

Would you be surprised to know that it’s not about the situation itself? It’s actually about so much more (and once you can get to the root of it you can react to it much better).

Remember, all of life is a mirror; a gift, to help us better understand ourselves and the reaction to the situation like all reactions to situations is rooted in 3 main areas:

  1. The beliefs and mindsets (and related emotions) we have related to the situation.

  2. Getting caught up in the illusion of reality (ie believing that life is happening TO us rather than BY us, the illusion of separation and time, the mirror effect, etc.).

  3. Big-Why’s / Inner-Purpose

For example, I have a situation going on in my life right now that had me so ticked off the other day that my hands were literally shaking. Yup… the little zen master was all stressed out…oy.

I kept telling myself to calm down, to remember I create my reality, set my intention, etc. and yet there I was with hands shaking so much that I couldn’t write or type.

I knew while I was still in the same environment (my office at the time), I wasn’t going to figure out the root of why I was so upset. So, I removed myself from that area and went to a place with some calming white noise to help my worked up ego settle down and allow the real reason for the upset to come through.

This situation bumped up against all 3 of the root points above:

  1. Beliefs and Mindsets – this situation pushed up against my beliefs and mindsets related to respect, honesty/integrity, professionalism, manipulation, bullying, fairness, being taken advantage of, right/wrong – actually the list goes on and on. The emotion associated with all of this was hurt.

  2. The illusion of Reality – I know that reality is an illusion that I am creating for myself and that the experiences and people in my life are providing me with a mirror; a gift to help me better understand my self. This current situation (gift) is based on a theme that pops up in my reality now and again to varying degrees. The theme has to do with helping me continue to honour my essence of being a loving, giving person without letting others take advantage of that. This particular theme is presenting itself strongly with this current situation.

  3. Big-Why’s / Inner-Purpose – my Big Why is to help wake people up to the illusion of reality/separation and create a massive shift in human consciousness as a result. For me, that’s a huge Big Why and having this current situation in my own reality causes me to question whether I can achieve this Big Why. After all, if I can’t have life go perfectly in my world and always see past the illusion of reality how on earth am I going to help create this massive shift?

Once I uncovered the root I became calm

Once I was able to separate my ego from the situation and see what the situation was trying to show me, I calmed down. If I find myself getting worked up over this situation (as it’s ongoing), I will help my ego stay in check by reminding myself of the root reasons I have brought it into my experience. Taking long walks helps too.

What you can take away from this if you choose:

  1. Beliefs and Mindsets – we each uniquely perceive reality and its experiences based on the beliefs and mindsets we have in relation to it. The key is to see that the unique combination of beliefs and mindsets we each have are simply a perception of reality we have created for ourselves.

  2. The illusion of Reality – understanding that reality is an illusion, we can move away from ego reactions (if we choose) and take on not only the role of observer but to consciously harness the power of our creative intention.

  3. Big-Why’s / Inner-Purpose – while I believe we are here to experience life in human form, I also believe there is a particular why each of us is here and it’s something that can (for many of us) be a tad overwhelming, to say the least. When a situation in our lives pushes our buttons, the root of the reaction can be tied to that why.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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