Are you looking for someone to complete you?
Are you looking for someone to complete you?
You’re not alone.
We are programmed from a young age to believe that we are incomplete and that finding another will fill that void.
Classic novels, romantic movies, traditional media, social media, etc are filled with messaging that we are not complete without another.
It’s time for a MindShift Moment…
Believing we are incomplete is simply an illusion we have created for ourselves.
When we look to others to complete us, we deny who and what we are.
There is nothing we are not.
Who we are is so much more than our physical body and the ego’s perception of itself.
We are complete in and of ourselves despite what we have been conditioned to believe.
Once we understand this, we create a powerful shift not only in our understanding of ourselves but in who we attract into our life experiences.
Instead of looking for someone to complete us we shift and begin to consciously choose to bring into our reality someone who complements us.
When we look for someone who complements us we understand we are already complete, we do not operate in a victim mode and we do not draw on the other person to fill an illusionary void.
When we look for someone who complements our inner-self, we will look for someone who is in like resonance with us, who brings out the best in us, and who helps us develop and embrace who we are by providing a mirror to better understand our ‘self’.
When we look for someone who complements our inner-self we can also let go of the expectation the person must be in our lives forever in order for us to be complete.
Can you see the difference?
The intention behind looking for someone to complete us versus complement us is different. The energetic vibration behind both is different. The knowing of who we are is different.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.