Do you believe you are unworthy?
Do you believe you are unworthy?
If you do you are certainly not alone, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you or anyone.
It’s time for a MindShift Moment.
The belief that you are unworthy is simply another illusion that you and many others have been conditioned to believe is true.
No one is more worthy than another.
We are all worthy.
We are all worthy of love, happiness, freedom, health, wealth, success, equality, respect, etc.
So how did you, others (and me too at times) end up believing that we are more or less worthy than another?
We believe this as a result of the beliefs and mindsets we are exposed to throughout our lifetime. Over time we internalize them as being true and they hold us back from living our full potential as individuals and as a species.
It’s time to let this lack based belief go.
There are many ways to help turn lack based beliefs around. Here are a few methods I have found helpful in silencing lack based beliefs and mindsets in my own mind:
Ask yourself how believing you are unworthy serves you. As with everything in life, we only hold onto what serves us in some way even if how it serves us appears to be a negative rather than a positive in our lives. Unearthing how it serves you can go a long way in shifting this lack mindset.
Replace “I am not worthy” internal chatter with “I AM worthy”. Whenever you catch yourself thinking or saying “I am not worthy”, say out loud or to yourself “I AM worthy”. In the beginning, you may not believe it is true, but over time and with enough repetition you can begin to believe you are worthy.
Put a sticky note with the words “I AM worthy” on mirrors you look at and read them each time you look in the mirror.
Create a screen saver or wallpaper on your computer, smartphone or tablet with the affirmation “I AM worthy”.
Believe you are worthy. Again, in the beginning, you may not believe you are but you ARE worthy. We are all worthy.
As a side note, there are likely other internal lack beliefs/mindsets that may bubble to the surface. If they do, you may want to use the same methods above to help shift those beliefs as well. If you find that too much, continue instead to focus on saying the “I AM worthy” affirmation. Once you begin to believe you are worthy, you may just find the other lack beliefs and mindsets pop up less often as the “I AM worthy” negates the others.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.