What Are You?

Night sky showing milky way.

If I asked, “what you are?” what would you say?

Would you say you are a wife/husband, a mother/father, an employee/employer?

If those labels were removed from you, what would you say you are?

Would you say you are female/male, an adult/child?

If those labels were removed from you, what would you say you are?

Would you say you are American, Canadian, Mexican?

If those labels were removed from you, what would you say you are?

Would you say you are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist?

If those labels were removed from you, what would you say you are?

Would you say you are human?

If that label was removed from you, what would you say you are?

What if all the human/ego based labels of what you think you are were removed, what would you say you are?

With this quick exercise, it is easy to see how we as individuals and as a collective species can become caught up in the labels of what we think we are rather than what we are.

What we are goes beyond the human experience.

It’s when we can step back from those labels that we can begin to understand that the human labels are what we are being, not what we are.

In that moment, we can understand that what we are is something more.

Some say we are “a soul”.

Some say we are “God’s children”.

Some say we are “energy”.

Some say we are “God/Source/Universe appearing to express itself as an infinitive amount of individualities.”

While we may never truly know what we are, once we let go of human labels we can begin to understand the expansiveness of what we are and open ourselves up to limitless possibilities and potential.

‘Til next time, if you found this article helpful, please share it with a friend. Together we can help create a shift in human consciousness.


The Illusion of Imperfection


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