Happiness is an Inside Job

Elderly woman with happy toothless smile.

Often we will look to other people, places, objects, lifeforms, experiences, etc. to bring us happiness. We can believe that by liking/loving these things, that very act will make us happy. We can believe that once another person likes/loves us that we will be happy. But is that true?

It’s time for a MindShift Moment.

Happiness is and always has been an inside job.

Happiness is a state of being. It is our natural internal state.

However, what can happen over time (because of external influences – ie – media, social pressure, beliefs, and mindsets passed on to us, etc. that we are exposed to from living on this planet) is that we forget happiness is our natural state.

These external influences talk us into believing the only way to find true happiness is through or by another person/place/thing.

This simply is not true.

Yes, the items or the other person may make us feel happy, but feeling happy and the being of happiness are different.

Feeling happy as a result of being around external stimuli can feel great, but it is a temporary experience.

Happiness is a state of being. I appreciate “Happiness is a state of being” can sound new-age and woo-woo like, but happiness really is a state of being. It is what we are at our core.

What could this mean for you individually?

It means that you can be and are happiness. Happiness is your natural state. Your natural state is not to be unhappy, miserable and look to others to fulfil/complete you. It (happiness) is what you are!

With this understanding you can:

  • Choose to live your life from that perspective and always remind yourself, “I am happiness”.

  • Know you are happiness and can also experience not being happy at the same time. Happiness is a state of being whereas ‘happy‘ is an action; an emotion.

  • Allow yourself to reconnect with that happiness; that state of being that you are. Meditation is a great way to connect with your inner happiness.

Once you connect with and know that you are happiness, your experience of reality can shift. While you will still experience and enjoy the emotion of happiness from external people/places/things, you won’t need to depend on others to fill an imaginary non-existent void in yourself. That void is an illusion. The happiness you believed was external to you, you can now know is actually within you. It is who you are.

What could this mean for our world and our human consciousness?

Imagine everyone was taught to understand this, to reconnect with their inner happiness and live with this understanding.

Imagine how much different our world could be. For example:

  • Would our world systems continue to be based on overconsumption, exploitation of natural resources, greed, and inequality or would new world systems be developed to align with our understanding?

  • Would overconsuming to fill an illusionary void be reduced/eliminated?

  • Would relationships that end, end amicably?

  • Would abuse of any type be reduced/eliminated?

  • Would conflicts, war between other countries, peoples be reduced/eliminated?

  • Would we take a giant leap in the understanding of who and what we are; take a giant leap forward in human consciousness?

Something to ponder.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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