All Paths Lead Toward Home
As you go through life, you may wonder if you are on the right path particularly when life appears to happen TO you rather than BY you, or you are going through a rough time in your life.
When this happens, remember ultimately all paths lead toward home.
No matter what you are doing, believing, having, experiencing, etc. in your life, all paths lead toward home.
While it may appear that your life is good or bad; you are making right or wrong choices, etc., from the perspective of the inner-self….that part of you that understands it is Source/Soul/Universe/God – whatever name you want to call all that is, all paths lead toward home.
In this context, no one path or life experience is better or worse than another…that belief is simply a perception of the ego, not the inner-self.
In this context, there is no up, down, right, wrong, good, bad experiences. These are all perceptions of the ego.
Remember, part of you being here in this lifetime is to allow you (the all that is you) to experience life in physical form along with all the perceived ups and downs of that experience.
While there may be times where you believe you are messing up and on the flip side are acing life, both are an illusion; a perception of the ego.
Once you can shift your perspective from that of the ego to that of the inner-self, you will begin to see how the paths you take and the experiences you have allow the self to experience more of its self.
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