Sometimes Now Is The Best Time To Say

Younger hand placed on top of older hand.

Sometimes people come into our lives for a lifetime, a short time and perhaps only for a brief moment, yet no matter the duration some of them can stay in our heart forever.

My ex-father-in-law was one of those people.

I first met Phil over 30 years ago. On that day, something about him reached right in and took up a special place in my heart that remains firmly in place today.

He was indeed a special person and I missed having him in my life as often after my divorce many years ago.

Not that long ago Phil was diagnosed with cancer.

Thankfully I was able to spend a little time with him over the last few months.

On my last visit, something kept telling me to thank Phil for being a part of my life and for being such a great father-in-law and grandfather.

At the time I had hesitated to express my deep thanks as part of me was hoping I could see him one more time. I also didn’t want Phil to think I was saying a final goodbye.

I’m so glad I told him on that day. I’m glad I didn’t wait for another day.

That was the last time I saw Phil.

Phil passed away yesterday.

My heart is sad but I’m not sharing this personal story for sympathy.

I’m sharing it as a gentle reminder.

A gentle reminder that sometimes the best time to tell someone you love them, to thank them for being a part of your life is not tomorrow or another time.

Sometimes the best time is now.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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