Are you letting your past hold you back?

Women looking through small window hands against it.

While driving my car the other day, I was listening to the radio and a song came on that inspired me to write this post.

It was a song I had not heard before, yet the lyrics had a familiar tone to many other songs playing on the radio and in the stories others have shared with me.

The song was about a person who was beating themselves up (figuratively) over their past choices and actions. They couldn’t imagine how they could have a good life, find love, etc. nor did they believe they deserved one because of their past choices and actions.

Just as in the lyrics of the song, so often people will beat themselves up over their past. They see their past as being filled with mistakes and they can’t imagine a good life for themselves because of it.

When this happens, they let their past control their future. They hold themselves back from being all they can be.

Do you do this too?

It’s time for a MindShift Moment…

Your past is not WHO you are.

Your past is simply a series of experiences belonging to a former you that has brought you to WHERE you are.

Both your past experiences and the past you no longer exist!

The person you were in the past, even if that past was literally a fraction of a second ago, is no longer the person you are now.

That version of you (and those experiences) only exist as memories.

That person exists in yesterday time.

WHO you are is something that you create anew in every moment.

You are continually creating yourself anew with all of the thoughts and actions and experiences you have.

You are literally intention expressed.

You become a new you in every moment.

It’s time to let go to grow…

Once you understand that you are creating yourself anew from moment to moment, you can look back at who you were in the past and understand how your thoughts, actions, and experiences brought you to where you are today, but know that they are not WHO you are in this moment.

You will understand that holding onto that past and letting that past hold you back is coming from your ego and a place of fear.

Fear related to the past you that no longer exists.

You will see how that fear is holding you back from being all you can be.

You will forgive yourself for anything in the past you believe you (through your thoughts and actions) did to wrong yourself or someone else.

You will thank your past for it was a gift you gave yourself (even though it may not feel like a gift).

You will release yourself from that past that is no longer who you are.

Once you understand that you are creating yourself anew from moment to moment, you will begin to create your life; the next moment you with conscious intention.

Are you ready?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


We have entered a time of great transformation in our collective reality. What role will you play?


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