Are You Focused On The Green Or The Sand Trap?
Have you ever played golf?
I played several times many years ago but never really go into it. I would get bored easily and found I was far more interested in being out in nature and driving the golf cart than swinging a club against a little ball.
But I did pick up a few things and one was to focus on the green and not the potential obstacles in the way (trees, ponds, sand traps, etc.).
That guidance has proved helpful not only when I played golf, but also in achieving the goals (or what I prefer to call “S-M-A-R-T Visions” which I’ll talk about in a future blog) I create for my life.
In terms of golf, whenever I remained focused on the green I noticed a big difference in the number of strokes taken and obstacles avoided compared to the times when I would focus on the potential obstacles instead of the green.
In terms of life, whenever I remain focused on a vision (a goal) for my life I notice a big difference in how things line up to allow the vision to come into my reality. I see myself living the vision rather than seeing myself stuck or held back by an obstacle. When I stay focused on the vision and seeing the vision in place, obstacles are minimized and often minor if they do pop up.
On the flip side, if I allow myself to get caught up in all the potential obstacles that could get in my way, I experience a lot of resistance, frustration and obstacles along the way and the vision I set often takes much longer to materialize or does not materialize at all.
How about you?
When you set a vision (a goal) do you focus on the outcome or do you focus on the potential obstacles? Do you see yourself on the green successfully putting the ball into the hole or do you see yourself bogged down in the sand traps along the way?
If you tend to focus on the potential obstacles, try shifting your mindset.
Use the golf analogy as a guide.
Focus on the green. That’s your goal. That’s your vision. See yourself on the green putting that ball into the hole.
It can make all the difference.
Give it a try and let me know how you made out. I’d love to hear from you.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.