You Are Always Creating

Artist brushes in container.

I was watching a video the other day that talked about how young children are in a constant state of creativity. Whether it’s playing dress up, colouring, playing in the mud, or telling stories, little ones are always creating. The video then went on to say as we grow up we stop creating. Instead, we end up chasing the almighty dollar; we worry about what others think of us, etc.

But is that true? Do we stop creating? Is creating only limited to what we define as artistic?

It’s time for a Mindshift Moment.

We never stop creating.

We are creating in every moment.

With every intention no matter how small, we are creating an outcome (via an action). Whether the intention to get a cup of coffee, turn left instead of right, make sand castles, create artwork, discover a cure for cancer, or chase the almighty dollar, all of it is creation expressed by the action we take as a result of our intention (even action that appears like inaction).

All of it is creation.

We have simply become unaware of our creative nature.

Over time, we have become limited in our ability (and belief) to freely create without limits as a small child can.


Through years of conditioning, worrying about what others think, lack based beliefs and mindsets, believing in what society expects, we shut down our limitless creative spark.

We have simply put conditions on what we believe creating is.

We become limited by the limits we believe.

We begin to filter all intentions through these limits and because of this, what we create (the expressed actions and resulting outcomes) of our intentions become restricted.

We restrict our creativity.

Are you ready to recognize your creative intention?

Once you understand that you are literally intention expressed – creativity expressed and that you are continually creating, the next step is to question what limits (both subconscious and conscious) you are using to act on that creative intention. It’s about recognizing if you are unhappy with a situation in your life you have options. It’s about knowing you can begin to let go of the inner-self talk that has been stifling your creativity and open up to new endless possibilities.

You are literally creation expressed.

What will you create?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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