Everything Begins With Intention
Everything we be/have/do in our life begins with our intention for it to be in our life experience.
It doesn’t matter if the intention is perceived as a positive or negative, it is an intention all the same.
The problem is that most of us are not aware of this and as such life can appear as if it is happening TO us, rather than BY us with resulting experiences we may or may not like.
Yet it is happening BY us none-the-less.
The trick is to become aware that as energy beings we are intention expressed and to take that understanding to consciously set our intention for what we want to be/do/have in our life.
When we do this, we become conscious and active creators of our life rather than believing we are a victim in our life.
When we do this, we begin to understand our creative potential and ideally begin to create a better life (and world).
Where to begin…
We can begin by setting our intention for what we perceive as small be/do/have experiences and work our way up to what we perceive as bigger experiences.
I personally find it helpful to envision and set my intention before I go to sleep each night as it allows my mind to work through the intention while I am sleeping. Other approaches that can help are vision boards, saying your intention out loud, writing it down, and repeating your intention over and over to yourself.
It is also imperative to believe in the intention itself and the power of our creative intention to help create the desired outcome of that belief.
Once we understand and begin to consciously state our intentions, the next step is to understand how our mind will act on our intentions. I call this process the “Thought-to-Action Cycle” which in a nutshell is the process our mind takes to produce the action we take on an intention we have.
When we can understand the power of our creative intention, consciously set our intentions and create positive and fact-based beliefs and mindsets for our brain to utilize, we can begin to create be/do/have experiences that provide a better life for ourselves and a better world experience for all.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.