I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
What seed are you planting for future generations?
I believe each of is planting a seed for future generations.
Your seed, in combination with the seeds each of us plant, is what future generations will understand about us as individuals and collectively. Together, all of our seeds will contribute to the world future generations will experience.
The question we each need to ask ourselves is…
Creating a Better World Isn’t Rocket Science
As you look around at our world do you wonder why, after all this time and with the number of achievements we have made as a species, we still haven't resolved world issues (and even our own personal issues)?
After all, we call ourselves an intelligent species so we should be able to figure this out right?
You're right, we should be able to and we absolutely can.
All world issues share one root cause
When we look around at the issues facing our world today, they can appear overwhelming, complex, growing and near impossible to eradicate. It's understandable to think that way given elementary logic would dictate if the issues were easy to resolve they would have been already. Yet they are resolvable…
How rethinking Competition can help create a better world
We live in a world where competition appears to be a normal part of everyday human life. Individually we can believe we are in competition with others to be superior -- from climbing the corporate ladder to needing a fancy car or the latest smartphone. We can also believe we are…
How to see past the Illusion of Separation through the eyes of another
Have you ever been asked to look deeply into the eyes of a stranger or did not know well for several minutes? I have and the experience profoundly changed me…
It’s time for a Global MindShift
Our world is in a mess. Our problems are big, interconnected and literally out of control. While we may want to put our heads in the sand and…
How the separation of children helped to create a shift
I imagine you’ve seen the headlines of children being separated from their parents as they cross from one man made country border to another. As a parent and a fellow human being, it breaks my heart and I am very much angered by it. As a person who’s Big-Why is to help create a transformational shift in human consciousness, I was also feeling deflated in my ability to help create…
Man, that ONE kid who doesn’t play fair in the sandbox.
Sometimes we can look at the actions of an elected leader and think, “What the heck are they thinking?” Here we are in the 21st century supposedly evolved with countless people from all walks of life and position working hard to play fair in this sandbox we call Earth when along comes an elected leader who appears to be on a mission to…
What Is Your Intention For The World This Year?
For many, the change over to a new year brings with it a desire to set a goal; an intention at the individual level. For example, lose weight, quit smoking, declutter, get in shape, be debt free, etc.
But what if this year,…
Which Part Will You Play?
While it may appear that a few are creating the global reality we are experiencing now and in the future, this is an illusion we have been programmed to believe. We each play a part. For example,…
“Changing the world doesn’t start with changing other people. It starts with changing yourself and the actions you are taking in every moment.”
Changing the world doesn’t start with changing other people. It starts with changing yourself and the actions you are taking in every moment. - Lisa Layden