It’s time for a Global MindShift

Rockface hanging precariously over narrow road. A visual anology to the mess the world is in.

Our world is a mess.

Yes, there is a lot about our world experience that is great but there is a lot that is not.

From war, terrorism, dictatorships and growing separatist thinking, to famine, poverty and human trafficking, to animal poaching, to exploitation and eradication, to deforestation, to pollution and climate change. The list goes on and on.

Our problems are big, interconnected and literally out of control.

While we may want to put our heads in the sand and pretend all will be fine, that the problems don’t exist, aren’t that bad, don’t impact us on a personal level, aren’t our fault, or that it’s up to someone else to resolve, this would be misguided and short-sighted.

Our global issues do exist, do impact all of us, and did not arise by the evil doings of some kind of overlord (either real or imagined, of this world or outside of it).

Quite frankly, if we don’t make some big changes now this unsustainable path we are on will not bode well for human life as we know it and for many other life forms as well.

I do not say this to elicit panic, nor do I say it lightly. I say this to inspire and empower global change. I am also not coming from a place of judgment, but from simple observation and foreseeing the projected outcome of continuing on our current trajectory.

The good news is it’s not too late for us (yes, us) to change our path.

We have a choice.

We have a choice in the kind of future we want to create and experience. We can choose to continue along our current unsustainable path based on inequality, fear, and ego and live the outcome of that choice or we can create a new path. A path based on equality, love, and unity that is not only sustainable but allows all life to thrive. This new path and its outcome is not some far-fetched pipe dream. It is not only possible, it is completely doable but there is a catch or more accurately a shift required to make it a reality and a big shift at that.

It’s time for a Global MindShift.

In order to create this new path, we need to make a fundamental and global MindShift in our understanding of what we think reality is and of who and what we are.

While there is more to it than I can explain in one article, suffice it to say that reality and all that goes with it is not as it appears. The same goes for us.

This information is not new, it’s not a bunch of woo-woo pseudo-science and I’m certainly not the first person to say it.

Ancient teachings, religious texts, and science have been trying to tell us this for a very long time. We too as individuals have also been trying to tell ourselves this in those quiet moments of solitude when we question life, purpose and why things are the way they are.

The problem is we haven’t listened to this wisdom.

Instead, we have created our lives and our world based on what we think reality is and we are, and we are seeing and experiencing the result and unsustainable trajectory of that choice.

The time has come time to finally listen, understand and act on this wisdom.

If we don’t the trajectory we are on will continue and as a result, our problems will amplify. We may take a few steps forward or backward in terms of quality of life for all, but nothing fundamentally will change. We will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. We will continue to exploit the life-sustaining resources of this planet as if they are infinite. We will continue to have injustice, inequality, war, famine and all the rest of it.

Only when we awaken to what reality is and to who and what we are, will we be able to make the individualized and global changes required to move from a world experience based on separation, the survival of the fittest, and dominance to a world experience based on unity, respect and love for all life.

It won’t be easy, but it is possible.

While making this global MindShift may seem impossible or at best a massive undertaking, it is possible. Yes, there will be resistance as this new understanding bumps right up against conditioning, inflated egos and old ways of doing things.

It will require us to look at how we got into this mess including all of our roles in it creating it and making the decision to let go of what no longer serves us and holds us back from all we are. It will require that we actively set out to find fact-based information to help us learn so many things that we haven’t been taught despite being vital to helping us (individually and globally) survive, thrive and evolve.

In short, it will require a massive global MindShift that is not only possible, it is doable. It all starts with desire, fact-based knowledge, working together and sharing these truths with others to empower global change. What starts as an intention can quickly turn into a positive global movement.

It’s time to make the shift.

We are at a perfect cross-road in our journey to make the shift to a new path.

We have the technology, the science, the wisdom and most importantly the desire and intention to create the shift. We have multiple massive global issues that are crying out to be solved. We have lived through the industrial revolution and are in the beginnings of the next revolution — The Artificial Intelligence Revolution — which has the potential to massively change the human experience in ways we can only imagine right now.

In addition, many people around the world are seeing that our current version of reality is unsustainable and are searching for answers to help make the world a better place. Many are questioning and are beginning to see there is more to reality than meets the eye. They are beginning to see that who and what they are is so much more than they have been brought up to believe.

In short, it’s a perfect point; a perfect moment of now in our human experience and in our human evolution to make the shift.

It’s time to make the shift.

It’s time for MindShift Moments and me to shift too!

My intention has always been to write, speak, and mentor on deep life questions in a way that is relatable, easy to understand and apply at both the individual and global level. But now it’s time for me to take the next step (actually a massive leap) in my visibility in order to help create the global shift that is required if we want to create a world experience based on equality, love, unity, and that is not only sustainable but allows all life to thrive, and ultimately creates a shift in human consciousness.

With that, my messaging is going to shift in terms of positioning and voice. It will be positioned for more of a global impact but don’t worry, what I share will still apply at the individual level. My messaging may come across a little stronger than before but please know it is meant to inspire and empower and as always will strive to come from a place of observation and love rather than judgment and ego.

As part of this shift, I will be making changes to the website ( ) including the addition of a new section that will lists topics to designed to help create the shift in our understanding of reality and of who/what we are. This section will be a living document of sorts in that as I write about each, I’ll update the list to include a link to the article. More changes are planned and who knows, someday I may write a book or two. (I already have one started and titles for two!).

Are you ready to shift too?

Making this change to our path is going to require a lot of people to shift their understanding of what reality is and to what and who we are.

If you have read this far, I have a feeling you are one of them. Welcome and thank you.

I hope what I have written today and continue to write helps you increase your understanding, inspires and empowers you to help create the global MindShift needed to create a better world for all.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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