Man, that ONE kid who doesn’t play fair in the sandbox.

Child in sandbox with sandball. That one kid who doesn’t play fair

Sometimes we can look at the actions of an elected leader and think, “What the heck are they thinking?”

Here we are in the 21st century supposedly evolved, with countless people from all walks of life and position working hard to play fair in this sandbox we call Earth when along comes an elected leader who appears to be on a mission to throw sand everywhere and on everyone.

It’s enough to make a person want to throw in the towel (or pail in this analogy), grab a blanket, a bottle of wine and a good movie to zone out until a better person is elected.

But what if we look at these narrow-minded, short-sighted and limiting separatist actions of this individual (and other leaders with the same beliefs) as an opportunity for each of us to create a better world based on inclusion for all?

What if we look at this as an opportunity to create a widespread mind shift of positive human potential and consciousness?


We can begin by seeing what is happening as a mirror that is being reflected back at us to see where we individually and collectively are creating our world with lack beliefs based on the illusion of separation.

By taking that mirror and observing us in it.

By looking inward to see the beliefs we have that result in us taking actions that align with the illusion of separation rather than unity.

By looking at ourselves, our choices, and our actions based on the illusion being separate from others we can consciously change these beliefs and resulting actions to be inclusion and oneness.

Together, our conscious actions of inclusion, respect and equality will far outweigh the actions of one.

Together we can create a widespread mind shift of positive human potential and human consciousness.

It starts with each of us.

Are you ready?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


How the separation of children helped to create a shift


What grass clippings can teach us about beliefs