I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
I’m not sure science will ever be able to prove what the soul already knows.
Science is helping us to unravel the mystery of life, the universe, the how, what, where, when and why of all that is, but there is…
“Power in of itself is neither good nor bad. It is the intention behind the power that determines its result.”
When we think of power; the power of others, of forces, it is common to perceive them as being good or bad. This is the perception of the human mind. When you look at power from
“Changing the world doesn’t start with changing other people. It starts with changing yourself and the actions you are taking in every moment.”
Changing the world doesn’t start with changing other people. It starts with changing yourself and the actions you are taking in every moment. - Lisa Layden
Source is always connected with you as you are always connected with Source.
What appears to be separate is not. Separation is an illusion. It’s not…
Go within. True power and freedom reside in the quiet of your soul.
We are taught to believe that power and freedom are something external to us; something to strive for and achieve. But this type of power and freedom is a…
We have entered a time of great transformation in our collective reality. What role will you play?
We have gone through the industrial revolution, the information revolution and are now moving into the knowing revolution. In the knowing revolution, more and more people will begin to…
Don’t get so focused on capturing the moment that you miss it.
Have you ever found yourself spending more time capturing a moment with your camera or video recorder only to find out later that you don’t really feel like you were there? Perhaps you remember bits and pieces of it or you will…
Ignorance creates beliefs of compliance.
When you accept everything that is said to you as being verbatim, you are denying who and what you are which is an eternally creative being. You are living life from…
When you let go of fear, you can fully embrace life.
Danger is something that is a potential in this physical environment you are experiencing life in, so yes it is wise to be aware and respectful of this physical environment, but fear is …
Believe in the power of your creative intention.
In every moment, you are creating your reality with the power of your intention. You are intention expressed. Once you understand this, you…
Forgiveness is not about freeing the other person, it is about freeing yourself.
When you forgive another person, you have not surrendered your power to them. You are not saying you approve of what they did. Instead… When you forgive another person, you…
Everything in your reality serves a purpose for you.
Everything in your reality serves a purpose for you. Yes, even those people, places, things, experiences, moods, etc. you would rather do without. While we as humans can readily take credit for all the good things that come our way and…
Everything in your life is a beautiful painting you are creating.
Can you see your life as a beautiful painting you are creating? It’s a beautiful masterpiece filled with all the outcomes of your expressed intention. Outcomes you…
In the world of energy, there is no good or bad, right or wrong, just or unjust. Energy just IS.
It is the human condition in the belief in the illusion of separation that creates those beliefs. It’s time to wake up from the illusion. Are you ready?…
To forgive another is to forgive yourself because separation is an illusion.
It can be difficult for the ego to forgive another for something because the ego believes that person is separate from you. It believes that other person hurt or offended you in some way. But the inner-self understands that…
It is not the situation that drives your experience. It is your perception about the situation that drives your experience.
Your perception about a situation can make all the difference in you how you experience a situation. That is why you can have…
When you cannot envision another option, you will not recognize that option when it presents itself to you.
Why? Because you will not see it as a possibility or an option for you. It’s not woo-woo. It’s science…
Inspiration and guidance are all around you when you are open to receiving it.
Sometimes the quote says it all. ‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.