Reality isn’t quite as it appears
The other day, I was sitting on the shore observing an early evening sky. As I was taking it all in I began to look for the horizon but it was difficult to see where the water ended and the sky began as both had a similarly beautiful and calming pastel blue colour.
As I focused my sight more intently on the horizon, I experienced what appeared to be an anomaly in what I was seeing. It was as if a long thin piece of the image I was seeing was pixelating and then filling in as I focused on either the end point of the water or the sky.
If I focused on the water, the horizon would appear to be slightly higher. If I focused on the sky, the horizon would appear to be lower. As I toggled my view back and forth, it appeared as if the horizon jumped up and down.
It was a strange experience but also fascinating and enlightening at the same time.
The anomaly I experienced provided me, and hopefully you as well, with a great example of how what we perceive as reality is simply a perception our brain creates based on the input it receives and what it knows about that input.
In other words, what we perceive as reality depends on the unique perception of our own mind.
In the case of the horizon example, my brain provided me with more than one perception of reality and I could choose to focus on which version I preferred or go back and forth.
How cool is that!
This experience was a great reminder that we are capable of creating endless “reality” possibilities.
How about you?
Can you see that reality is simply a perception you (your brain) is creating?
Can you begin to see the limitless possibilities of reality you can create for yourself based on the data you feed your brain?
Have you experienced a similar situation where you could see multiple perceptions of reality?
I would love to hear about your experience and thoughts.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.