I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
What’s going on when a situation really ticks you off
Have you had a situation in your life that really, really ticked you off? I mean really ticked you off? Would you be surprised to know that it’s not about the situation itself? It’s actually about…
Our brief moment in time
While I was taking in the sites the other day, I came upon an old black and white picture mounted on the side of a building. The image was of a gathering of men and women attending an outdoor event in the early 1900s. It looked like a beautiful sunny day. The men wore suits and hats. The ladies wore long dresses, decorative hats and carried parasols. As I looked at the picture, I…
Are we here to learn or experience?
Have you ever heard the phrase “Life is a school”, “Earth is a school”, “We are here to learn life lessons” or something similar? The odds are you have, particularly if you have searched the internet or books for the meaning of life. But is Earth really a school and are we really here to learn lessons?…
How Many Ways Can You Cross A Room?
Several years ago, I was invited to attend a workshop focused on goals and how to be what you want to be in life. Along with various speakers, there were exercises throughout the workshop for the attendees to participate in if they chose. One of the exercises was to …
What Is Your Intention For The World This Year?
For many, the change over to a new year brings with it a desire to set a goal; an intention at the individual level. For example, lose weight, quit smoking, declutter, get in shape, be debt free, etc.
But what if this year,…