I write about what is holding us back from a better world and life for all. Topics like the illusion of separation, outdated social norms, world systems, and the human brain are my focus. My mission is to inspire an equal, respectful, and sustainable future for all life.
Are we here to learn or experience?
Have you ever heard the phrase “Life is a school”, “Earth is a school”, “We are here to learn life lessons” or something similar? The odds are you have, particularly if you have searched the internet or books for the meaning of life. But is Earth really a school and are we really here to learn lessons?…
Who exactly are we judging?
Some days it can appear like there is no shortage of people to judge (including judging ourselves). But when we judge, who exactly are we judging? When we…
Happiness is an Inside Job
Often we will look to other people, places, objects, lifeforms, experiences, etc. to bring us happiness. We can believe that by liking/loving these things, that very act will make us happy. We can believe that once another person likes/loves us that we will be happy. But is that true?…
All Paths Lead Toward Home
As you go through life, you may wonder if you are on the right path particularly when life appears to happen TO you rather than BY you, or you are going through a rough time in your life. When this happens, remember ultimately all paths lead toward…
Are you the observer or the observed?
Have you ever looked into a viewfinder, telescope or binoculars and wondered if there was someone far away looking back at you and with that, exactly who is the observer and who is the observed in this situation?…
Do you look up?
As you go about your day to day activities and live your life, it can become easy to forget that you are a part of so much more. You are not only a part of your family, the community you live in, the country you live in and the planet Earth you call home, but you are also a part of everything that…