You cannot live the life you were meant to live when you are holding on to old programming that no longer serves you.
As a part of experiencing life on this planet, we become programmed with the beliefs of others. While many are shared with good intentions and with the belief they are facts, beliefs are simply perceptions rather than facts. They are the illusions of another based on their perception of reality.
If you feel there is something missing in your life, you have lack beliefs (and mindsets) within your subconscious mind and they are holding you back.
The good news is you have within you the ability and creative power to change this programming.
Honor yourself by working with someone or through self-reflection to unearth the lack beliefs and mindsets, see them for the perception (not fact) they are and teach your brain new data to work with – Data in the form of facts that are based on truth, abundance, and empowerment.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.
“You cannot live the life you were meant to live when you are holding on to old programming that no longer serves you.”