We are no more separate from each other than a drop of rain is to an ocean.

quote - “We are no more separate from each other than a drop of rain is to an ocean.” – Lisa Layden

Although we appear as being separate from other people, life forms, objects, water, air, our planet, the Universe, etc., this is an illusion. Everything is energy. At the subatomic level, there is no separation.

Everything, absolutely everything is connected. Separation is an illusion.

It is time for the human species to understand and live from this knowing.

It is time for the human species to understand and know that what each person does to another, they ultimately do to themselves.

It is time for a global MindShift in our understanding of what and who we are.

With that shift, we will finally be able to put separation and all that comes with the illusion of separation behind us.

Are you ready to shift?

‘Til next time, if you found this article helpful, please share it with a friend. Together we can help create a shift in human consciousness.

We are no more separate from each other than a drop of rain is to an ocean.
— Lisa Layden

You cannot live the life you were meant to live when you are holding on to old programming that no longer serves you.


You are only limited by the limits you choose to put on yourself.