Negativity Buster Experiment
If you feel like your days are filled with nothing but negativity, you might like you to try a little experiment (below). Don’t worry it doesn’t take long, it’s not hard, it doesn’t cost anything and you may actually enjoy it.
Negativity in your life is akin to weeds in your garden.
Before we begin, it can be helpful to think of negativity like weeds in your garden. If you don’t tend your garden, weeds will take root and before you know it, you will have more weeds than beautiful flowers. If you continue to leave the garden unattended, the flowers will eventually be choked out by the weeds. When the garden gets to that state, you can choose to give up (which brings in yet more weeds) or you can transform your garden back to its original glory by getting rid of the weeds one at a time and planting new flowers in their place.
Negativity in your life works the same way in that it creeps in over time. You didn’t come into this world thinking negative thoughts. You came in with a wonder for all life and a curiosity to learn more. But soon enough you (like all of us) started to perceive the world in a certain way because your thoughts were influenced by what you had been exposed to (the teachings of your parents and others close to you, observation, the media and life experiences). How you interpret life through these filters (beliefs and mindsets) impact how you perceive the world. For many people, this can result in perceiving a lot of negativity in your life. As you perceive more negativity, you will actually draw more negativity into your experience. Negativity becomes your predominant thought.
At that leads me to the experiment.
The purpose of the experiment is to slowly shift your predominant thoughts away from negativity and lack to one of abundance and ease.
Here we go:
Think of one thing that makes you feel good or that you find beauty in. Maybe it’s a night sky, a beautiful sunset, a newborn baby, a flower, music, laughter, etc. Whatever works for you.
Set a timer for 1 minute right now (provided it is safe to do so).
While the time is counting down, close your eyes and focus your attention on that one thing and nothing else. See it in your mind; take in how your body feels; your emotions, etc. If other thoughts pop into your head (which they will constantly), just give them a quick acknowledgment, then let them go.
At the end of the one minute, the experiment is done!
How did that feel?
Did you feel the shift inside of you when you focused all of your attention on that one good thing? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way all the time?
Well you can, if you decide to. It’s all a matter of changing your thinking. Remember, your thoughts are energy just like everything else. If your predominant thoughts are negative, you will experience more negativity in your life. On the flip side, if your predominant thoughts are positive, you will experience your life as more positive.
The quick experiment above is a simple mantra you can use to change your predominant thoughts.
If you would like, do this mantra at least once a day. As you get more comfortable, extend the time you focus by one minute (or more if you can) each day and start to bring other visions of things that make you feel good or that you find beauty in.
As a heads up, you may find some resistance in yourself as you incorporate this mantra into your day and you may even think it’s not working. Don’t get discouraged and think “great, another thing in my life that isn’t working”. It’s only your ego and its lack mindsets that are getting in the way. They’ve had their way for a long time and they will put up resistance. If you find this is happening with you, grab a notebook or a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left side, write down the negative thoughts that are coming up. Those are lack based beliefs and mindsets that are surfacing. You can help quieten and in time replace those negative thoughts into positive thoughts. To begin, you can use the right side of the page to reframe the negative thought to a positive thought. Calling lack mindsets out is the first step to disempowering them.
Then go back to the mantra and keep at it. I heard somewhere that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so I recommend doing the mantra daily for at least a month. Obviously, doing it more than once a day and extending the duration of each session will have a more dramatic effect, but you know yourself best.
As you incorporate this into your life, you will likely begin to notice that you are more positive and more experiences of abundance will start to show up in your life.
‘Til next time, if you liked this post please social share it . Together we can help create a global mind shift.