Are you seeing the signposts?
When you are out and about in the world, you can often see lots of signs to help you navigate your day. “No Parking”, “Merge”, “Right Turn Only”, “Gas Station” up ahead, “Open 24 hours”, etc. Typically, you are thankful for these signs. For example, seeing a “No Left on Red” is a good thing. You don’t want to end up getting into a serious accident by crossing in front of oncoming traffic.
But do you see the more subtle signs?
You may not realize it but you are asking for guidance all the time with your thoughts and the universe is responding, but you can be so busy with distractions that you don’t see the signs.
Sometimes they can show up in physical forms like street signs and direction signs. But more often they will come in little subtle signs. The signs may be something you hear, smell, or feel rather than just seeing them physically.
For example, a sign can come to you via a line from a song you hear while driving your car, through more than one person mentioning the same book to you, or feeling a warm gentle breeze just when you wanted a nice hug. Signs can present themselves in any number of ways.
The trick is to let them come to you. Pay attention but don’t push them to come. If you try to push it, it can often be your ego directing things and the idea is to let the Universe and your inner-self give you the signs.
Asking for guidance helps activate the signs. The next time you would like guidance on something, just say something like “I give thanks for receiving guidance on ‘x’” (where ‘x’ is what you would like guidance on).
Be aware and open to receiving.
Then relax, observe and see what happens.
‘Til next time, if you liked this post please social share it . Together we can help create a global mind shift.