Are you asking "What the hell happened to my life?"
Do you ever have those moments when you look back at your life and you wonder what the hell happened?
One minute your 18 years old and ready to travel the world and find the cure for cancer and the next thing you know, you’re working at a job you hate and you ask yourself what the hell happened?
What happened is you didn’t live the dream of your inner-self. So how does that feel? Not so great I would imagine when you really let your true feelings out.
Now you may say that you didn’t have a choice, and maybe you didn’t. For example, maybe someone in your family got sick or died and there were bills to be paid. You felt responsible and had to get a job to help out.
But thankfully, for most people, a tragedy like that is not the reason they didn’t live their dream. The reason they didn’t live their dream is because of one thing – FEAR.
Fear is the most debilitating emotion I can think of and it’s all based on an illusion. An illusion that stems from lack beliefs and mindsets that are programmed into us from the time we are born into this lifetime.
It can stop a person from living their dream because fear makes us think:
Living your dream would be irresponsible, dangerous, unpopular, etc.
You aren’t good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, etc.
You’re too short, too tall, too heavy, too thin, etc.
Only males/females do, people with light/dark skin do what your dream is.
It would take too much time, money, effort, etc.
Your family, friends, peers wouldn’t want to hang around with you.
You would outgrow your family, friends, etc.
You would fail.
You might be successful.
You wouldn’t be able to pay the bills, buy nice clothes, live in a nice house, drive a nice car.
The list goes on and on, but it all comes back to one thing – FEAR.
Fear is what holds you back from living your dream.
But you have a choice.
You have a choice to continue to live from a place of fear and lack or to start living from a place of love and abundance. You do have a choice to live your dream and you can start right now. It’s your choice.
Living your dream doesn’t mean that you have to walk away from everything you have now. There are ways to incorporate your dream into what you already have that is working well in your life. Fear of losing everything is another lack mindset showing up. Be prepared because you may find a bunch of mindsets show up in the form of resistance on obstacles. Just remember, mindsets only have as much power as you let them.
Start to envision your dream life. Go within to find this because it is inside of you (in your inner-self) and not your ego. Breathe it in, think of how it would feel, see yourself in a typical day of your dream life, keep a diary of what your dream life is, make a vision board, etc. Start taking the steps to see your dream life become your reality. Once you start believing at your core that you can have your dream life, you will begin to experience more abundance, joy and true happiness in your life.
You do not have to come to the end of your life regretting that you did not live your dream. It’s your choice.
So what’s your dream life? I’d love to hear what it is and how you are planning to make it be a part of your life.
‘Til next time, if you liked this post please social share it . Together we can help create a global mind shift.