Let go of self-imposed limits and reach for the stars.

quote - “Let go of self-imposed limits and reach for the stars.” – Lisa Layden

No one is holding you back from reaching for the stars but you.

To believe differently is to be caught up in the illusion of being a victim in your own life; that you are not in control of your own life.

Once you see victim mode for the illusion it is, you can begin to take ownership of your own situation and empower yourself to reach for the stars.

Are you ready to see past the illusion?

Are you ready to reach for the stars?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Let go of self-imposed limits and reach for the stars.
— Lisa Layden

What’s with the repeating patterns?


Success is not something that is external to you.