If you believe you will not have something, you will be correct.

Quote - “If you believe you will not have something, you will be correct.” – Lisa Layden

By believing you will not have something, you are actually creating a self-fulfilling prophecy for yourself.

You are believing you will not have that something.

When you believe that, you consciously and subconsciously take actions that will continue to express that belief.

The belief that you will not have something will continue to be your experience.

It will remain in your experience until you ‘believe’ (consciously and subconsciously) that you can and will have that something.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

If you believe you will not have something, you will be correct.
— Lisa Layden

It is not WHAT you do that matters. It’s WHY you do what you do that matters.


You have to let go to grow