Catching Snowflakes with Your Tongue isn’t just for Kids
When was the last time you caught snowflakes with your tongue?
If you are like most people, you likely haven’t caught snowflakes with your tongue since you were a kid.
Somewhere along the line, you were programmed to believe that catching snowflakes with your tongue is just for kids.
So what did you do with that belief?
Well, you grew up and created a mindset for yourself that basically says “I can’t catch snowflakes with my tongue because I’m not a kid”.
And you stopped catching snowflakes with your tongue!
It’s time to turn THAT lack around!
Catching snowflakes on your tongue is something anyone can do.
It’s not like there are snowflake police out there who are going to put you in jail for doing it.
It’s not like you are going to die. Hmm….okay, maybe if you’re in the midset of nuclear fallout, then maybe.
But you get my point.
Are you ready to turn that belief around?
Here’s what I did early this morning when I looked out at the snow globe that is my weather reality today.
I taught my brain a new belief and a new mindset to operate from.
NEW BELIEF – People of all ages can catch snowflakes with their tongue if they want to.
NEW MINDSET – I can catch snowflakes with my tongue if that’s what I want to do.
And with that, I headed outside into the snow globe and caught some huge snowflakes.
It was great.
How about you?
Are you ready to shift your beliefs and catch some snow?
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.
“Catching Snowflakes with Your Tongue isn’t just for Kids”