Are you subconsciously choosing brains over money?

Human Brain drawing

Have you ever caught yourself saying “he/she must have more money than brains” or “rich people have more money than brains”?

Typically these words will pop into your head as a reaction you have when you judge what others spend their money on or when you experience sticker shock related to an item.

You may have said it as an off the cuff remark or felt completely justified saying it, but in either case, do you know that saying those words can and do hold you back from having more money and abundance in your life?

While the words may seem harmless, they actually reveal a deep-seated belief you have about money and the people who have it.

It’s a belief that basically says you can have money or you can have intelligence, but not both.

With this underlying belief, why would you ever want to draw money or people with money into your life if it meant you had to sacrifice your intelligence?

You may joke that you would take money over brain power any day, but would you?

As social creatures and evolving creatures, our intelligence is something we need in order to survive and thrive not only as individuals but as a species. In the end, having intelligence would trump having money.

The good news is this lack belief along with many other lack beliefs around money that have been programmed into your subconscious are simply not true!

If this belief were true, how is it that countless people around the globe today and throughout history have been able to have money and be intelligent at the same time? How have you been able to acquire money and enjoy the things it brings into your life and be intelligent at the same time?

You and the others have been able to do it because we live in a Universe of infinite possibilities.

The difference between those who have more money than you is they believe they can have more money and still be intelligent.

You don’t.

Your self-imposed ceiling for how much money you can have and still have intelligence is a limit you have put on yourself and the limit is rooted in your lack beliefs about money and people who have it.

It’s time for a Mindset Turnaround

Let that fear-based, limiting belief around “more money than brains” go.

See it for the illusion it is. While you are at it, write down all the other lack beliefs you have around money and let them go too.

They no longer serve you.

It’s time for you to live a fully abundant life.

Are you ready?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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