Are you playing old recordings in your head?
Have you ever noticed that whenever you think about a person, place or situation in your life, you immediately play a recording in your head and based on your past experience with the person, place or situation?
While the recording may be positive or negative, it’s setting the stage for you to play out how things will be and how you will feel before you are actually in the situation.
For example, when you think about going out for dinner at your favourite restaurant, you think about the food, the decor, the service, where it is located, your experience, etc. It almost feels like you are there and you like it. You can see yourself in your favourite seat by the window; you can taste the food in your mouth, and you’re wondering if this time you will have enough room to enjoy the signature dessert, etc. This is definitely a positive recording that you would like to play over and over again.
But there are other recordings that bring about a less than positive experience.
For example, say you have a person in your life that whenever their name comes up, the recording is filled with negativity based on previous encounters with this person. Maybe they said some things to hurt you, or they have nothing but negative things to say all the time. You can see them standing in front of you; you hear their voice, see their body language, etc. Before you know it, you are feeling uptight, on guard, sad, etc. and that person isn’t even in the room with you. This negative recording has drained you of your energy and it’s certainly not a recording you want to play.
These two examples are quite different and each resulted in a different effect. But both are based on past experiences and both have nothing to do with this current moment, nor the future. Just because a previous experience was positive or negative, it does not mean the next experience will be the same the next time even if past experiences were always positive or negative.
Sometimes, holding onto the old recording can keep us trapped in our old thoughts and beliefs about a person, place or situation.
Why do we keep playing the recordings?
We play them because they are familiar to us. The old thoughts allow you to play out scenarios, plan your reactions, to engage or not engage with the person/place/situation, and to stay within your comfort zone even if the comfort zone isn’t comfortable.
But does that serve you?
Why would you want to limit yourself? You may be playing safe by holding onto the old recordings, but are you growing and allowing new thoughts and experiences in your life? Are you allowing others to grow and expand?
Just as the things you liked about your favourite restaurant can change over time, the things you like or don’t like about a person can change over time too. If you continue to play the old recordings about your thoughts concerning the person, you are not allowing your perception of the person to grow and expand. You are not allowing that person to grow and expand. Sounds pretty limiting, doesn’t it.
It’s time for a MindShift moment…..
The next time an old recording starts to play, ask yourself “Do these thoughts still serve me or is it time to let go and replace with new abundant mindset possibilities?” Then set your intention for how you would like the next encounter to be that is in alignment with your true self and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised.
‘Til next time, if you liked this post please social share it . Together we can help create a global mind shift.