Are You Setting Yourself Up To Be Stung?

Bee sitting on a flower.

When I was about 12 years old, I was outside sitting in a big circle with a bunch of kids enjoying the warm weather. I was chewing a fresh piece of pink bubble gum at the time when all of a sudden a huge bee came over and hovered right in front of my face. I remember the other kids screaming and saying things like “swat it away”, “you’re going to get stung”, etc.

Now, I was pretty scared and certainly didn’t want to get stung. But I also quickly realized that if I freaked out, I would definitely get stung. So in an instant, I decided the only way to help prevent getting stung was to remain very calm, relaxed and to visualize the bee going on its way without stinging me. I set my intention on not getting stung.

Sure enough, the bee landed on my sugar covered lips. As soon as that happened, the other kids screamed even more and ran off. I had to do my best to completely ignore them and focus on staying calm. I made sure my mouth was closed and my lips were at a resting position. The bee walked around on my lips for several minutes. He then checked out the rest of my face and then came back to my lips for a final inspection. I didn’t think he was ever going to leave.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally flew away and did not come back. Thankfully, he left without stinging me.

I remained still for several minutes after just to be sure he wasn’t going to return, promptly got rid of my gum and then I came back to being a typical 12-year-old girl again. I couldn’t believe I actually let a bee land on my lips and didn’t freak out. My friends couldn’t either. I just knew that if I didn’t remain calm, I would have been stung several times and I didn’t want that.

This experience made me realize at a young age that we are responsible for how we react to a situation and if we choose to react from a place of fear, we won’t like the outcome.

Now, have I always followed that mantra in my life? Hell no, my ego and lack mindset got in the way far too often for far too many years, but I am finally living it now with only an occasional setback. I can tell you, reacting from a place of love and peace is so much better than coming from a place of fear.

How about you?

Did you have a moment in your life that stands out where you had an option to come from a place of fear or from peace?

‘Til next time, if you liked this post please social share it . Together we can help create a global mind shift.


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