War comes from the ego. Peace comes from the heart. That is why war is never the answer to lasting peace.

quote - “War comes from the ego. Peace comes from the heart. That is why war is never the answer to lasting peace.”

In order to end conflict with war, we need to understand that war comes from the ego. When the ego becomes lost in the need for power, control and sacrifice it believes that war is the only way to resolve conflict.

It’s time for a MindShift

When we can come from a place of love (the heart) and see past the illusion of separation, and the misdirection of the ego, we will let go of the need to resolve conflict with violence. We will let go of the perceived need to have power over another. Yes, we may still have disagreements but we will find a non-violent and non-power struggle way to resolve the conflict.

It’s time to make that shift.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

War comes from the ego. Peace comes from the heart. That is why war is never the answer to lasting peace.
— Lisa Layden

Inaction is an action you choose


Life is like a roller coaster. Ups, downs, twists and turns, but what a ride