Take time to live before you die, for to die before you have lived is to not have lived at all.

Quote - “Take time to live before you die, for to die before you have lived is to not have lived at all.” – Lisa Layden

Are you ‘living’ or caught up in the illusion of what life is?

By that I mean are you caught up in the drama of what life appears to be – the go to school, get a job, get married, buy lots of stuff, climb the corporate ladder, retire, die.

Or can you see past the illusion of this and see that there is so much more going on.

That is not about “he who has the most toys wins”.

That maybe, just maybe, there is something else to life; some other reason you are here on this lone planet in the middle of space in this precise time and location.

Yes, the toys are fun, but there is something more.

Can you feel it?

Have you connected to it?

Are you living life fully awake, or are you living asleep?

Take time to live awake. It’s really cool and you will understand what I mean once you do.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Take time to live before you die, for to die before you have lived is to not have lived at all.
— Lisa Layden

Are you feeding your brain junk food?


The next time you believe life is a waste of time...