Are you feeding your brain junk food?

Child watching TV.

As you go about your day do you feed your brain a steady diet of junk food?

I’m not talking about potato chips and chocolate bars, pop/soda, etc. although they certainly contribute.

I’m talking about what you allow your mind to ingest through the media you watch, the literature you read and the conversations you engage in.

For example,

  • Do you listen, watch or read the doom and gloom on the news?

  • Do you watch shows on who can be the thinnest, fastest, best, worst, cut-throat do whatever you have to do get to the top approach?

  • Do you listen to music, read books/articles, watch shows, that are derogatory towards other people whether it’s by race, sex, preference, religion, etc.?

  • Do you listen to office gossip?

  • Do you check in daily or more to see what’s happening with the stock market and get stressed as you watch it go up and down?

  • Do you hang around with people who complain ALL the time?

The examples above are just a few examples of the junk food I am talking about.

What do you think exposing yourself to all of this is doing to your brain (and actually your entire physical, emotional and spiritual body)?

Just like eating too much junk food isn’t good for you, exposing your brain and the rest of you to all of this negativity will impact you as well.

Remember, everything is energy and as such you attract into your life whatever your predominant thoughts are in energetic resonance with.

If you feed your brain a steady diet of information (real or fiction) that is based on fear, struggle, lack, and separation, you will attract experiences into your life that are in alignment or resonance with fear, struggle, lack, and separation.

Before you know it, you will start to see and experience the whole world as negative. THAT will become your reality.

That doesn’t sound like much fun to me, how about you?

It’s time for a Mindset Turnaround.

Instead of getting caught up and drawn into the small, narrow belief of doom and gloom junk food, start feeding yourself whole natural food instead (where food is what you see, do, be, experience, etc.).

It’s very easy to do and once you make the change, you will wonder why you let yourself ‘digest’ lack ‘food’ in the first place.

How can you start?

Start by reducing or better yet, eliminating all the negative things you watch, read, listen to or participate in.

Then introduce or better yet replace these with inspiring, positive things. Perhaps it’s choosing a nature show or heading off for a walk in the woods, or watching a Ted Talk, etc.

As a heads up since you have been exposing yourself to all this negativity for a while, it might take some effort and a bit of time to wean yourself off. It’s no different than weaning yourself off junk food, but before you know it, you will find you will no longer ‘crave’ the negativity and you will have eliminated it from your diet.

How about you?

Are you ready to make the switch? I’d love to hear how you make out.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


What you believe becomes the reality of your experience.


Take time to live before you die, for to die before you have lived is to not have lived at all.