Signs, signs, everywhere a sign
Signs, signs, everywhere a sign.
Are you tuned into the signs that are showing up in your life?
I’m not talking about road direction signs. I’m talking about the often subtle signs meant to get your attention or in response to an intention you have set.
These signs can show up via a meaningful song you haven’t heard for a long time and suddenly it’s on every time you turn on the radio; several people recommending a book you have to read and it’s the same book; signs from your body itself, etc.
These signs are there all the time. You just need to tune into them and pay attention.
Now you may be saying, “yes I get that and I do pay attention”.
I totally get that because I’m the same way, but even with that knowledge, we can still miss the signs.
For example…..
The other day, I had set an intention to focus exclusively on putting the final content together for an online program I am creating for entrepreneurs who are stuck but don’t know why.
Yet as soon as I sat down at my computer to work on it, the interruptions started. And not just one or two, but a pile of them.
At first, I was a little frustrated because I was already very tired from giving a workshop the day before and all I wanted to do was focus on one thing….the program content.
Yet, every time I turned my attention back to the document, another interruption came in and often multiple interruptions at the same time!
Then I finally understood what was going on.
These interruptions were a sign meant to help, not hinder me.
As I said, I was exhausted yet I was ignoring the need for my body to rest and get re-energized.
As soon as I realized I was not meant to work on the content but instead was meant to rest, the interruptions stopped.
Except of course when about an hour later, when I thought I would just spend a few minutes on the program content. Yup, you guessed it…another interruption. I lost my network connection!
Message received loud and clear.
I laughed, walked away from the computer and took the day off. And yes, no more interruptions after that.
How about you?
Have you had a similar experience?
I’d love to hear your story.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.