If you see your cup as half empty, you will always thirst for more.

quote - “If you see your cup as half empty, you will always thirst for more.” – Lisa Layden

When you perceive your life as half full, you are coming from the ego’s belief in being a victim. You believe you are being short-changed; that there is something ‘out there’ for you to be/do/have; that life isn’t fair.

When you perceive your life as full, you understand that you are the creator of your reality. You know you have everything you need already exists inside of you and that life is what you create it to be.

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If you see your cup as half empty, you will always thirst for more.
— Lisa Layden

How different would you treat your life if you knew there are infinite versions of it?


When you lie to someone else, you cause far more harm to your own growth that you do to theirs.