Everything you believe about everything is reflected in the reality you are experiencing.

Quote - “Everything you believe about everything is reflected in the reality you are experiencing.” – Lisa Layden

The beliefs and mindsets you have, result in you taking action (or what can look like inaction) on an intention you have based on those beliefs and mindsets. You are literally intention in action/motion.

If there are aspects of your reality you don’t like, don’t look to others to change it for you because it is you that is creating your experience.

Instead, look at the beliefs and mindsets that you have and ask yourself if they are helping you to create a reality that you like or you don’t like. Whether that reality is your individual reality or your larger global reality.

Once you change your beliefs and mindsets to align with the experience you desire, you will align yourself with that experience.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Everything you believe about everything is reflected in the reality you are experiencing.
— Lisa Layden

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