Your dream life. If not now, when?

I’d like to share with you a little story of something that happened to me last week to help illustrate why waiting until tomorrow or until everything is perfect to live your dream life could be too late.

Last week, I gave a presentation to a group of super amazing Professional Organizers at their yearly conference being held in Toronto, Ontario.

The presentation was entitled “Big Dreams – Big Visions” – Bridging the gap from where you are to where you want to be in your business.

It’s all about creating a business (and life) vision without limits and creating a path to bring that vision into their reality.

I had just finished walking them through a process to help them unearth and begin to create their unique great big vision…

And then…it happened.

Very quickly and without warning, I began to experience a medical event. I knew if I didn’t address it right away, things would not be good at all. And with that, I had to stop the presentation to tend to my situation. Thankfully, I recovered within a relatively short period of time. I was able to continue with the presentation and make light of what had happened.

When the event first came on, all I kept thinking was “I can’t believe this is happening right now….of all time for this to happen”.

But it was actually perfect timing.

My incident provided a live example to the people in the audience that life can change quickly; that we do not know how much time we have in this lifetime and to take the time to create and live a dream life now, not tomorrow.

Because tomorrow may not come.

Which brings me back to you.

Are you living your dream life today? If not, when?

As I told this group of amazing entrepreneurs, dream big and without limits. Take the steps to bring your vision into your reality now, not tomorrow. Whatever you dream, you can bring it into your reality if you choose to. Yes, it may take time. Yes, it may take work. Yes, it may require change and will certainly mean growth, but it is possible if you dare to dream.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


Everything you believe about everything is reflected in the reality you are experiencing.


Limiting another is limiting yourself