Always be mindful of what you allow into your brain.

Quote - “Always be mindful of what you allow into your brain.” – Lisa Layden

What do you allow into your brain in the form of information?

Is it based on fear, doom, gloom, struggle, indifference, inequality, etc. or abundance, empowerment, freedom, etc.? The slogan “you are what you eat”, also applies to your mind. If you feed your brain doom and gloom, you will begin to see the world, others and yourself from that perspective.

So the next time you look to feed your brain, ask yourself “is what I am feeding my brain going to be good for me, my life, others, and the world?”

Something to ponder.

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Always be mindful of what you allow into your brain.
— Lisa Layden

Your ego is a part of who you are in this lifetime but it is not WHO you are.


A weed is only a weed if it is something you do not want to have in your garden.