World Issues – Do you focus on the problem or the desired outcome?
It seems at every turn, there are big problems in the world – war, terrorism, climate change, famine, inequality, abuse, political unrest, etc.
The amount, variety and intensity appear to be increasing every moment and there is no end to the volume of media coverage available to keep us focused on the problems.
It can be overwhelming, heartbreaking, and paralyzing.
We can feel lost and alone.
We can feel like the problems are insurmountable and unavoidable.
We can feel defeated and powerless to make a change.
We may feel we don’t have the answers; that we don’t have a solution to make the problem go away.
So what can we do?
Well, one of the biggest things each of us can do is to stop focusing our thoughts, attention and actions on the problems and instead focus on the desired outcome you would like to see that would eliminate that ‘problem’ from our individual and world reality, including what life would be like if that problem did not exist.
You can envision in your mind how things would be and you can feel deep inside how you would feel if there was a solution to the problem. Focus your thoughts on the desired outcome, the vision and the feelings of what the world would be like if every person on the planet had enough to eat, were free to walk without fear or harm, were treated equally regardless of race, sex, social background, etc.
Keep those desired outcome thoughts in your predominant thoughts; think in terms of pro-peace, not anti-war; equality for all rather than rights for a single subset of the population; limit your exposure to all the doom and gloom in the media and instead expand your exposure and understanding of the countless positive initiatives in the world.
Be aware of how you are talking and reacting when you discuss or digest media coverage. Are you coming from a place of empowerment, love, and possibilities, or are you coming from a place of disempowerment, fear, and limits?
Be aware of how your choices and actions are contributing to either the current ‘problem’ or the desired outcome. For example, do you see climate change and pollution as a problem yet purchase and consume products (including livestock) that contribute to greenhouse gases and pollution, or do you consciously choose a lifestyle that will help to return our Mother Earth back to balance?
While at first, this may appear like a wishful thinking approach to big world problems but remember, we are infinitely creative beings and we (and our reality) become what we focus on. While you may not have the solution, we individually and collectively have the ability to change the world with our thoughts, our attention, our choices, and actions.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.