When you look into the eyes of another, you are looking into you.
Depending on the human relationship you have with the other person, when you first look into the eyes of another, you may see and experience a wide range of emotions and may even feel a little uncomfortable.
But if you can get past that stage and continue to look into their eyes, you will move from those experiences and move into a completely different experience.
You will begin to see past you and the other person as being separate.
You will begin to see past the physical eye of the other.
You will begin to lose the sense of your body, their body, and even your physical surroundings.
You will begin to see that you and the other person are one.
You will begin to see and experience a sense of love that is beyond the human perception of love.
You will begin to see the other person as that pure love.
You will begin to see yourself as that pure love.
You will begin to see that reality is not what it appears.
If you can hold that experience and incorporate it into your daily life, your life will never be the same.
You will have awakened if only just a bit.
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