We have the creative power to determine how our global transformation will be experienced.

Quote - “We have the creative power to determine how our global transformation will be experienced.” – Lisa Layden

It has become quite obvious that the current version of reality we have created which is based on the illusion of separation is not sustainable in its current form.

We know that in order to sustain and experience life on this planet as a species, we will need to make changes in many areas.

What many don’t know though is that we, individually and collectively have the power to determine how this transformation will be experienced.

Will we continue to choose the route based on the illusion of separation or one that is based on the understanding that separation is an illusion; everything is connected?

Continuing with creating a reality based on the illusion of separation will result in continued and increased experiences of struggle, lack, fear, inequality, degradation of our physical environment, etc.

Creating a reality with the understanding that separation is an illusion; everything is connected would result in creating experiences based on oneness, empowerment, abundance, equality, and respect for every living thing including this planet we call home.

Which will you help to create with your actions?

Where will you direct your creative power?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

We have the creative power to determine how our global transformation will be experienced.
— Lisa Layden

Blessed are those who show us all that we are, for they are nothing we are not.


To resort to violence of any kind is to believe in the Illusion of Separation.