Shifting Back to Conscious Creation

5-Speed Car Gear shifter against black background.

I am sorry it has been such a long time since I have written. Perhaps the why of my absence will help you with your awakening journey as well. Here it goes…

Up until a short while ago, I had been going through an extended period of disgust and somewhat helplessness at the state of the world and what appears to be a moving backward in global human consciousness.

So much so, that I actually began to question my big why, my beliefs, my purpose. On some days, I was pretty close to just giving up on my why because it seemed pointless to even try to help to take humanity to the next level of consciousness.

Yup, pretty bad given that’s my why and what I live for.

What happened to get me to that place?

Short story…

I allowed myself to get dragged back into the drama and illusion of reality.

Long story…

I let myself get drawn into all the doom and gloom news stories last year when I began to see articles on my FB feed about a particular individual running for the US President. Then I started to see other concerning doom and gloom articles.

Like a bug to a light, the more I focused my attention on these articles, the more I saw, heard and experienced. The basic human brain instincts of survive and thrive kicked in and before I knew it, I was checking my social media and online news feeds way too often to see just how bad things were getting in the world. Like any addiction, I found myself unknowingly wanting more and more, “just in case” because you just never know when the crazy people leading certain countries might push the red button.

As this progressed, I started to lose my faith in believing I could help to make a difference. I started to lose faith that we could move to the next (better) level of consciousness. I started to lose faith that I could help others see beyond the illusion of reality and separation.

The icing on the cake was when the name of the next US president came to me on election night when I was in the middle of setting my intention for a different outcome. I was like “No way! Please no!”.

Deflated was an understatement which some may find odd given I’m a Canadian. I was deflated because I thought if an educated first world country could be swayed by such simple manipulation of the fight and flight response, then what hope is there for me and others like me to wake up the masses.

Then I stopped writing. I stopped speaking about my why.

And then I stopped believing it myself at some level.

Don’t get me wrong, I still believed (and still do) that reality is an illusion, etc. but I felt like my life and what was happening in the world didn’t gel with that. It got so bad that I even looked at previous things I had written and had trouble believing I wrote them! They felt foreign and yet, I knew I wrote them and I was consciously still aware that life is an illusion I am creating.

Yup, I was deep into the drama of the illusion yet conscious I was doing it at the same time.

How did I get out?

I gave myself my own MindShift moment. With that I needed to:

  • Determine how to be in this world but not caught up in the illusion of what we perceive as reality.

  • Decide whether I was going to sway back to the illusion that life happens TO me or the knowing that life happens BY me.

  • Decide if I was going to feel helpless in the direction I am seeing the world going, or if I was going to be an active participant in setting a better direction for the world to go.

  • Have an honest look at all of my actions, decisions, thoughts, choices, intentions. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

  • Ask myself, “Are any/all of these aligning with or against the better future for all I envision?”

  • Remind myself and to be aware that all of these have a direct impact not only on my individual life/reality but also on the global reality. It all creates a ripple effect.

I needed and decided to return to conscious creation.

I shifted.

I am very glad I did.

And yes, I imagine there will be times when I may fall back into the trap of the illusion. It’s more about how long and how often I stay.

So while my level of disgust was pretty high and I could have easily continued to go down that addictive rabbit hole (because it’s like candy for the 2 main functions of the brain), I knew that I was only meant to visit. The visit, although longer than I care to admit, was exactly what I needed to help me bring my message out louder than before.

It’s taken me a while to find my voice again, to align with it and to get back into being more comfortable with getting out there, it’s coming along.

As an introvert, and someone who never wants to hurt another or be judgemental, it can be a challenge and a risk for me to stand out from the crowd but I know that helping to wake up others to the illusion of reality and separation is why I am here in this lifetime.

So I am writing again, although most of it is internal right now, it’s getting there.

I am limiting my exposure to the fear-based news and social media feeds.

I am realigning with the true reality.

I am consciously creating.

Little steps, big impact.

How about you?

Have you felt deflated at what is going on in the world? Have you become caught up in the illusion? Can you see the gift?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


The Illusion Of Independence


“Power in of itself is neither good nor bad. It is the intention behind the power that determines its result.”