Our collective reality is a result of our collective choices.

Quote - “Our collective reality is a result of our collective choices.” – Lisa Layden

The collective reality we experience is not something that others have created.

All of us as individuals through taking action; making choices, etc. from the small to the large, are having an impact on the collective reality we experience.

With this understanding, if you don’t like what you see happening in this collective reality, then make choices; take actions that align to what you would like to experience.

Can you see how your choices are creating the collective reality we are experiencing?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Our collective reality is a result of our collective choices.
— Lisa Layden

What you do to another is what you do to yourself.


Listen to your soul. It will always let you know when you are in or out of alignment with who you are meant to be in this lifetime.