Killing another over the illusion of territory will not create freedom of the self.

quote - “Killing another over the illusion of territory will not create freedom of the self.” – Lisa Layden

It’s time for a Mindshift in our belief in the illusion of territory.

Territory is a man (human) made division created such a long time ago which no longer serves our species, other life forms or the stability of mother earth.

It is time for all of us to realize, when we create a division from others, we ultimately divide self.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Killing another over the illusion of territory will not create freedom of the self.
— Lisa Layden

There are no words to describe the wonder of all that is.


There is so much more to you than you can even begin to imagine. Believe and allow.