Can you see the light in the dark?

Man standing in a dark forest with upward flashlight providing light in the dark. Blue tones.

A few days ago, I received a comment to an image I had posted on Instagram and it reminded me of how at times for some, it can be hard to see the world as a good place.

Can you relate?

We live in a time where bad events (whether they are occurring in your local community or halfway across the world) are shown on media and through the internet in real time often in graphic detail and often over and over again.

On the flip side, good events more often than not receive little to no coverage.

But believing the world is a bad place filled with darkness is a distortion based on what we focus on.

This perception of the world as being a bad place is based on belief, rather than a reality based on facts.

For every person that performs an act we see as cruel, countless others are doing performing acts of love, kindness, and support.

There is far more goodness than bad in the world; far more light than darkness.

It’s all about what we focus on.

When we focus on darkness; the bad, we will see the world as dark and bad.

When we focus on the good; the light we will see the world as light and good.

Does that mean there will not be dark days; days when all we can appear to see is cruelty, inequality, and despair?

No, for there certainly can be days like that.

It’s remembering that when those dark days come into our experience, know there is light and focus on the light; focus the love even if it only appears as a sliver of light, love, and compassion in the moment.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


Don’t get so focused on capturing the moment that you miss it.


Playing Hide and Seek isn’t just for kids.