Breathe in the life you came here to live.

quote - “Breathe in the life you came here to live.” – Lisa Layden

I believe each of us has a unique reason for being here in this lifetime.

You were born into this lifetime for a reason. There is a ‘Big-Why’; an inner purpose to why you are here.

Do you know what it is? Are you living it? Do you breathe it in every day?

Or do you feel like there is something missing that goes beyond satisfying the ego? If yes, take the time to unearth and connect with your ‘Why’.

Breathe in the life you came here to live.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Breathe in the life you came here to live.
— Lisa Layden

The next time you believe life is a waste of time...


You are the frequency you align with